Sunday Morning Worship Service at Elon

Jan 15, 2023

Prelude -- Courtney Sexton

Welcome and Announcements Jeremy Lakes

*Call To Worship: "I'll Fly Away"   Dave Sexton

James 1:5-7

* "We Believe"  Congregation

Offering  Ushers

*Pastoral Prayer David Sexton

Scripture Reading Jeremy Lakes

Old Testament: Exodus 18:13-26  New Testament: 1 Timothy 3:1-7

^*Hymn of Preparation  "How Great Thou Art" #35 vs. 1  Congregation

 Preaching from the Word -- "Biblical Shepherds"  Acts 20:28

Series: ACTS: The Gospel To the Ends of the Earth  David Sexton

*Response Hymn "The Church's One Foundation"  #236 vs. 1&3    Congregation
